Dear Parents,
With cold and flu season in full swing, please keep the following guidelines in mind when deciding whether or not to send your child to school. This will help control the spread of infectious diseases at TLCKids and allow your child to be healthier. Everyone 6 months & older should receive a yearly flu vaccine.
Students should remain home for the following reasons:
For a temperature greater than 100 degrees. Children should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to practice and not taking fever-reducing medication to control symptoms.
If diagnosed with a strep infection, ear infection (or any other bacterial infection). Students need to be on an antibiotic for a minimum of 24 hours, fever free, and feeling well before returning to school.
If your child has vomited or had persistent diarrhea during the day (or during the night before).
If your child has a heavy, moist productive cough, chest congestion, or discolored nasal drainage.
If your child has pinkeye (conjunctivitis). Students need to have completed 24 hours of medication, and have no visible redness or discharge before returning to school.-If your child is too sick at night, he/she should not attend school.
TIP: remember to wash your hands regularly and after arriving at school. We have hand sanitizer available at the front desk, and inside each room for staff, kids and parents to use regularly. We wipe down our floors daily and spray all door knobs, etc. to help to contain the spread of germs.
We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe and healthy. Thanks for your support and cooperation.
Kind regards, TLCKids