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Academic Year Registration Open: Classes starting soon.

The new academic year 2024-2025 is just around the corner, and we are excited to welcome both new and returning students to PLGKidsAcademy! Our classes start on August 12th. Here are some important facts about enrolling your child at our academy:

Key Facts About Enrollment:

  • Annual Registration Fee: There is an annual registration fee required for enrollment.

  • Academic Year Duration: The academic year runs from August to May each year.

  • Enrollment Process for New Students: As part of the enrollment process, our Director will schedule a meeting with each new child's parents. This meeting includes:

  • A discussion of our philosophy.

  • A tour of our facilities.

  • An introduction to our staff.

  • A review of the program's policies and procedures.

  • Enrollment for Returning Students: Returning students must also complete the necessary paperwork and pay the annual registration fee to secure their spot for the upcoming academic year.

Steps for Easy Enrollment:

To make the enrollment process as smooth as possible, please follow these steps:

  1. Review Procedures and List of Documents: Familiarize yourself with our procedures and the required documents.

  2. Schedule a Tour (for New Students): Contact us to schedule a tour of our academy.

  3. Read the Parent Handbook: Make sure to read our parent handbook for detailed information about our program.

Required Documents & Fees for Registration:

To complete your child's registration, please provide the following:

  • Enrollment Form

  • Vaccination Records Chart (Blue Form)

  • Physical Exam Form (Yellow Form)

  • Registration Fee

  • Access Key Fee

  • Uniforms Fee

We are excited to start this academic journey with you and your child. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing PLGKidsAcademy!

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